May we inhale the stories that surround us: good vibes, gentle moments, gracious miracles. Let us choose to inundate our souls with the power of quiet breaths that compose our everyday adventures, and balance our ever-busy minds and hearts. May the air that dances through our bodies come carrying wildflowers of presence, compassion, and peace. As we welcome these fruits of the spirit into our souls, may we let go of our inner battles. May we choose to replace fear with bravery, and let go of stress in exchange for a quiet calmness. Let us exhale the negativity that overwhelms us, and inhale breaths of wonder.

May we inhale the stories that surround us: good vibes, gentle moments, gracious miracles. Let us choose to inundate our souls with the power of quiet breaths that compose our everyday adventures, and balance our ever-busy minds and hearts. May the air that dances through our bodies come carrying wildflowers of presence, compassion, and peace. As we welcome these fruits of the spirit into our souls, may we let go of our inner battles. May we choose to replace fear with bravery, and let go of stress in exchange for a quiet calmness. Let us exhale the negativity that overwhelms us, and inhale breaths of wonder.

via Karyn Bender RPh...
Turning to food to alleviate stress or for comfort is a common problem. Unfortunately, using food to pacify our emotions rarely makes us feel better. We can get caught up in a vicious cycle of trying to fill our emotional needs with food, which leaves us feeling unsatisfied, powerless, guilty, and ashamed. The first step in breaking the cycle is to recognize the difference between physical and emotional hunger. Emotional hunger comes on quickly, craves certain foods, and doesn’t go away after your belly is full. It can also trigger negative feelings. Physical hunger is a gradual feeling that goes away when you are full, and doesn’t care what you eat. Next step is to keep a journal to find out what your triggers are. Do you eat because you are bored and feel empty, stressed out, or sad? Once you understand what emotions you are trying to comfort, you can work on fulfilling them in other ways. If you feel the urge to pacify your feelings with food, try exercising instead of eating. Exercise releases endorphins and can have a positive impact on your emotional state, as well as your health.

Turning to food to alleviate stress or for comfort is a common problem. Unfortunately, using food to pacify our emotions rarely makes us feel better. We can get caught up in a vicious cycle of trying to fill our emotional needs with food, which leaves us feeling unsatisfied, powerless, guilty, and ashamed. The first step in breaking the cycle is to recognize the difference between physical and emotional hunger. Emotional hunger comes on quickly, craves certain foods, and doesn’t go away after your belly is full. It can also trigger negative feelings. Physical hunger is a gradual feeling that goes away when you are full, and doesn’t care what you eat. Next step is to keep a journal to find out what your triggers are. Do you eat because you are bored and feel empty, stressed out, or sad? Once you understand what emotions you are trying to comfort, you can work on fulfilling them in other ways. If you feel the urge to pacify your feelings with food, try exercising instead of eating. Exercise releases endorphins and can have a positive impact on your emotional state, as well as your health.

via Karyn Bender RPh...
It’s so easy to get caught up in this fast paced world. Everything is screaming at you that THIS is more important than THAT and you get caught up in the whirlwind. Jumping from one issue to the next you feel that you are caught in a tug-o-war that is tearing you apart. When that feeling of being overwhelmed overcomes you, remember the real priority is YOU. Find solace and rest and come back to your own heart. If everything is well inside your heart, all else will fall into place.

It’s so easy to get caught up in this fast paced world. Everything is screaming at you that THIS is more important than THAT and you get caught up in the whirlwind. Jumping from one issue to the next you feel that you are caught in a tug-o-war that is tearing you apart. When that feeling of being overwhelmed overcomes you, remember the real priority is YOU. Find solace and rest and come back to your own heart. If everything is well inside your heart, all else will fall into place.

via Karyn Bender RPh...

Kale is a super-food; even spinach can’t touch it for nutrient content. Kale is a member of the healthy cabbage family alongside brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower. Kale is a vitamin powerhouse because one cup of the raw stuff contains 134% RDA of vital vitamin C to boost the immune system and fight off infections, and 206% of vitamin A that makes skin look great. Kale’s mineral content is impressive too. A cup will provide you with 9% RDA of potassium which lowers the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. It also has 26% magnesium which is shown to protect against heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Full of flavonoids and anti-oxidants that clear up body damaging free-radicals kale should be top of your shopping list. Some of the anti-oxidants may balance glucose levels too – diabetics take note. And last but not by any means least, it’s stacked full of bowel-pleasing fibre. Kale can be steamed, boiled, mashed and baked into meals as well as added to smoothies. It’s a low calorie super-food that will improve health no end.

via Karyn Bender RPh...

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, made the statement that “All disease begins in the gut,” and researchers are finally beginning to understand what he meant. If you put all of the bacteria in your body on a scale, it would weigh almost six pounds. These single cell organisms can be found throughout the body, but they are especially important in the gut. Gut bacteria helps you digest food, create vitamins, communicate with the immune system, and make molecules that affect brain function. When the gut isn’t healthy, the entire system breaks down. Vitamins are produced in lesser quantities, inflammation can occur, and the brain doesn’t function as well as it should. Research on gut health and disease is ongoing, and many studies are starting to suggest that an unhealthy gut might be the cause of mood disorders, brain diseases like Alzheimer’s, cognitive impairment, diabetes, and even cancer. The healthier the gut is, the healthier (and happier) the person.

via Karyn Bender RPh...

When we choose the path of a healer, we create relationships with our patients and clients that are based on compassion and a mutual commitment to the healing process. Sometimes we will resonate with a patient so deeply, that our empathy crosses the line from loving support to ownership of their problems. We can become emotionally invested in their healing to the point that the mutual partnership that we intended to create becomes a one sided attempt on the healers part to “fix” whatever we believe might be broken. Creating healthy boundaries with patients is important for both the patient and the provider. Patients can become less inclined to be active participants in their healing process, and more dependent on the healer when good boundaries aren’t in place. When a patient attempts to give their power to you by saying “Please fix me,” hand it right back to them. While you are an integral part of their healing process, they are ultimately responsible for making the changes necessary to have a healthy and well balanced life.

via Karyn Bender RPh...

Not only do essential oils smell great, but research shows they can help promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. Studies done in mice, showed that mice who were over excited from stimulants could be calmed by exposure to the aromas of sandalwood and lavender. What’s even more interesting, is that the essential oils of these plants were detected in their blood stream about an hour after exposure. Researchers also found that the same mice BECAME anxious when they inhaled the scent of orange terpenes. They concluded that certain scents can have a huge impact on anxiety. It makes you wonder why we have such little conversation about the scents we surround ourself with!

via Karyn Bender RPh...

With overwhelmingly full hearts, may we run with boundless joy towards the glittering light, never looking back at the shadows we leave behind. For what lies ahead, is full of bright hope, and endless promise. As we cast off our garments of our yesterdays, may we fold them gently, and remember that the journey we’ve traveled is a part of us, as the adventure that lies ahead. Yet, we need not be defined by what has happened, nor what is to happen. May we learn to forgive ourselves and those around us, and find our identity in love, hopefulness, and truth.

via Karyn Bender RPh...

Let’s face it. Change is hard and sometimes it can cause us pain. Sometimes we suffer. In these moments, we can feel frustrated and angry because of what we are experiencing. It’s hard to see the Divine in the situation because we are so focused on surviving it. We try to fight our way out of it, instead of going with the flow. When hard times happen, it’s important to take a step back and look at what is actually going on. Are you creating the situation because you haven’t been happy with the way things are and you really need things to change? Have you ignored your desires and passions for so long that your higher self finally says “Enough!”? Take a few minutes to breathe and look at the situation from an observers’ standpoint. Show yourself some compassion and love. If a loved one were in your shoes, what advice would you give them? Hard times are a call from your higher self to wake up. Give it some cooperation by acknowledging that the Divine aspect of you needs some attention. The challenge that you face is a message of love from the Universe that it supports you when you most need it.

via Karyn Bender RPh...